Grand Scale Landscape

Little Kennisis Lake

Little Kennisis Lake is a beautiful lakefront experience in cottage country, surrounded by the incredibly lush and vibrant Haliburton Forest on one end and stunning blue waters and islands all around, this is your gateway into the cottage country experience.

Canoeist Paddling a Green Canoe on a lake

Little Kennisis Lake Waterfront Cottages Statistics

Average Price $781K
Lowest Price $1
Highest Price $88M
Total Listings 78,498
Avg. Price/SQFT $36.7K

Property Types (active listings)

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Little Kennisis Lake Waterfront Cottages

Little Kennisis Lake waterfront cottages for sale consist of stunning interiors that truly bring out the best of what cottage country has to offer. 

With cottages surrounded by vibrant forestry on one end, and bright blue waters on the other, the surrounding area of these properties truly encapsulates Little Kennisis Lake real estate and all of the opportunity for falling in love with nature that it has to offer. 

Many of the lakefront cabins in Little Kennisis Lake come with their own private docks, beaches, or waterfront views as the spaces in between properties are generally vast and give you the full experience of the peace and relaxation you want to experience in the midst of nature. 

Little Kennisis Lake real estate ranges from more comfortable and affordable lakefront cabins to larger, more luxurious, and high-end cottage experiences that are attached to a heftier price tag, but give you all you could ask and more out of an area as beautiful as this. 

Live out your dream cottage lifestyle in the height of beauty with cottages featuring wraparound decks opening up to spectacular views which the locals boast about as they watch the sun rise over the horizon while having that first sip of coffee in the morning. 

Little Kennisis Lake Area Information

As Little Kennisis Lake sits near Kennisis Lake, you get to experience all of the activities of the surrounding areas including several other beautiful lakes such as Macdonald Lake, Little Redstone Lake, Clear Lake, Lipsy Lake, and more. 

Located just to the east is the Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve which is simply incredible with endless trails offering the peak of exploration and adventure, whether it's with friends and family, guided theme tours, or even a solo adventure. 

With tree climbing and the incredible tour of "bikejoring", in which huskies pull you on bikes through one-of-a-kind backcountry trails, all of this and more makes for memories you simply won't forget.

There is also the Haliburton Forest Wolf Center right nearby to the northeast which is a 5,000-foot facility featuring stunning wolves in their natural habitat which is a remarkable experience for the entire family. 

Camping is also very popular in the area, as the lush forestry makes for the perfect setting for a campground, sitting around a nice warm fire on the beach, and immersing yourself fully in the area in some tents overnight. 

Fishing is also a great way to spend a relaxing morning or afternoon, as there is a variety of fish in the area, and there is no better way to truly wind down than hearing the sounds of the wildlife around you as you sit on the docks and hopefully reel in a good haul. 

With several islands surrounding Little Kennisis Lake, this also makes for a great opportunity to get the boat out and explore all of the areas you can find in beautiful cottage country summer or spring weather.

FAQs About Little Kennisis Lake

Q: What species of fish are in Little Kennisis Lake?
A: Little Kennisis Lake is home to a variety of fish species including Smallmouth Bass, Lake Trout, Yellow Perch, White Sucker, Brown Bullhead, and more.

Q: What Provincial Parks are close to Little Kennisis Lake?
A: Just North of this lake you'll find Algonquin Provincial Park - providing you with opportunities for wildlife viewings, horseback riding, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, camping, and more.

Q: How big is Little Kennisis Lake?
A: About 570 acres of blue water, with a maximum depth of about 140 feet. This offers the opportunity for water skiing, incredible fishing, and more. 


Gorgeous sunset view of Haliburton lake waters near a dock

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